DOWNLOAD ALL OF ISSUE (Total 192 Pages) Investigationof The Attitudes of Physical Education Teachers Working in Ordu Province Towards Their Profession (Page 1 - 13) The Reflection of The Concept of “Gi” In Anatolian Folk Culture on Literature: The Concept of “Genie” in Three Popular Horror Novels (Siccin - Beş Sevim - Rüya Tabirli Cinperi Yalanlari - Cin Çarpmasi) (Page 14 - 31) Salafism As A New Religious Realıty in Bosnia And Herzegovina (Page 32 - 45) Examination of Postgraduate Theses on Bilingual Students (Page 46 - 61) Study And Importance of Phenolic Compounds in Olive Oil (Page 62 - 74) Evaluation of Factors Affecting Teachers' Professional Burnout Levels (Page 75 - 88) Evaluation Of The Way Of Coping With Stress And Suicide Thoughts Of Women Who Apply To The Family Health Centre (Page 89 - 103) Correlating Discontent With Selected Economic Factors: An Application For G7 Countries (Page 104 - 116) Evaluation of Intangible Cultural Herıtage Elements in Textbooks And Curriculum in Turkey (Page 117 - 128) An Investıgation of Patricia Highsmith's "Victım" Story In Terms of Emotıon Regulatıon Skills (Page 129 - 137) Diet and Tooth Structure (Page 138 - 148) The Concept of Privacy And Its Health Dimension (Page 149 - 159) Evaluation of Demographic And Organizational Factors Affecting The Professional Burnout Levels of Preschool Teachers (Page 160 - 170) Opinions And Needs of Families of Chidren With Different Diagnosıs And 3-6 Age Group in Early Childhood Special Education on Early Intervention (Page 171 - 183) Using Poetry in A2 and B1 Level Grammar Teaching in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language: Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu (Page 184 - 192)
DOWNLOAD ALL OF ISSUE (Total 360 Pages) The Effect Of Application Of The Flipped Classroom Model in The 7th Grade Science Course Force And Energy Unit On Students' Academic Achievement And Attitudes To Science Course (Page 1 - 11) Resistance As An Inevitable Phenomenon Of The Psychotherapy And Ways Of Intervention With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Page 12 - 25) Effectiveness of EMDR Therapy in Childhood Trauma (Page 26 - 42) The Effect of Primary School 4th Grade Students' Quality of School Life on School Satisfaction (Page 47 - 61) Review of Articles And Graduate Research Examining The Psychological Conditions of Primary School Students (Page 62 - 81) Faculty of Fine Arts Music Department Students' Views on The Concepts of Sound: An Interdisciplinary Study (Page 82 - 104) The Reflections Of Life Skills In The Science Curriculum To The Teaching Process In Science Course: Practices Of Science Teachers (Page 105 - 124) Examination of The Relationship Between University Staff’s Perception of Mobbing And The Level of Organizational Silence (Page 125 - 153) Investıgating The Relationship Between Stress And Life Satisfaction (Page 154 - 163) A Look at Entrepreneurship in the Metaverse World (Page 164 - 181) Effects of Covid-19 Process on The Tourism Sector (Page 182 - 194) Examining The Effects Of Guerilla Marketing As A Marketing Communication Tool On Consumer Purchasing Behaviors; Examination Of Guerilla Marketing Example And Practices For Food Sector In Turkey And The World By Content Analysis Method (Page 195 - 212) Examination The Effects of Teachers’ Perceived Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment (Page 213 - 223) Contributions of E-Municipality Applications to Local Democracy in Turkey (Page 224 - 240) Examining Teachers' Professionalism and Attitudes Towards Reporting Child Sexual Abuse (Page 241 - 266) Evaluation of The Effects of Perceived Leadership Styles in Educational Institutions on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction (Page 267 - 278) Practical Implications of Language Development Research: A Study on Early Childhood Period (Page 279 - 298) Breathing in Sports, Respiratory Parameters and Measurement (Page 299 - 309) Evaluation of The Levels of Democratic Behavior of School Principals (Page 310 - 324) An Investigation of Theses in The Field of Physical Education And Sports in Secondary School Education Level Between The Years 2013-2023 in Turkey According To Various Variables (Page 325 - 342) Investigation of Graduate Teaching Theses Regarding "Organizational Citizenship" in The Field of Education And Education in Turkey (Page 343 - 360)
DOWNLOAD ALL OF ISSUE (Total 192 Pages) The Effect of Dry-Land Training For Children On Freestyle And Backstroke Swimming Time (Page 1 - 8) Saffron Production in Turkey, Its Photochemical Properties And Its Importance For Health (Page 9 - 16) Organizational Commitment Level of Those Who Are Employed Through Outsourcing in Health Institutions And The Sample of Siirt State Hospital (Page 17 - 28) Examination of The Relationship of Childhood Traumas With Personal Traits And Psychological Symptoms (Page 29 - 41) Teaching And My Instincts About Kids Brand-New: A School A Single Case Study of A Principle (Page 48 - 67) The Relationship of Oncological Social Work And Spirituality (Page 68 - 76) Waste And Waste Generation in Places That Provide Food Services (Page 77 - 85) Leadership Styles of Football Trainers in Istanbul A Research To Determine (Page 86 - 102) The Effect of School Management on Teacher Motivation in Primary Schools (Page 103 - 118) Notice of The State And Its Legitimacy in Islamic Law (Page 119 - 132) Evaluation Of The Effects Of The Leadership Styles Exhibited By School Managers On Job Satisfaction Of Teachers (Page 133 - 147) Evaluation of The Effects of Social Media on The Purchase Behavior of Consumers (Page 148 - 160) Level of Economic Development in The Health Sector in Turkey (Page 161 - 176) Media Management And Social Media in The Pandemic (Page 177 - 192)
DOWNLOAD ALL OF ISSUE (Total 156 Pages) RESEARCH OF THE EFFECT OF 8-WEEK SWIMMING TRAINING ON THE FLAMİNGO BALANCE PERFORMANCE IN ATHLETES 9-12 AGED (Page 1 - 8) Today's Music Applications in Turkey (Page 9 - 21) Social Benefits of Participation in Sportive Actıvities in Children With Mental Disabilities (Page 22 - 30) Bireysel Ve Takım Sporcularının Fair Play Ve Spor Ortamında Empati İlişkisinin İncelenmesi (Page 31 - 42) A STUDY FOR MEASUREMENT OF DOPING INFORMATION LEVEL IN SPORTS TRAINING CENTER AND TOHM SPORTS (Page 43 - 55) Investigation of Mental Resistance in Individual and Team Athletes (Siirt, Batman Mardin Artuklu University Case) (Page 56 - 65) The Effects of Plyometrıc Exercıse of Young Soccer Players' to Combat Power and Aggressıveness (Page 66 - 71) ASSESSMENT OF PHYSİCAL ACTİVİTY AND NUTRİTİON HABİTS OF UNİVERSİTY STUDENTS (Page 72 - 77) Investıgatıon Of In-Team Communıcatıon Levels Of Athletes Playıng In School Teams (Page 78 - 85) The Preferences of Participate in Recreative Activities of Students at The University (A Literature Review) (Page 86 - 95) Investigation of The Reasons of Participation in The Leisure Time Activities of The Students of The School of Health Sciences (Page 96 - 99) Evaluation of the Existing Knowledge of Hospital Technician Candidates About Nosocomial Infections (Page 100 - 119) Causes of Participation in Leisure Activities of People (Page 120 - 127) Sound Design In The Context Of Scene Techniques In Scene Arts (Page 128 - 138) RECOMMENDATION OF AN ISPARTA TURKISH FOLK SONG ADAPTED FOR THE VIOLIN WITH THE APPROACH TO THE "SURVEY ANALYSIS" AND REMAINING THE TECHNICAL CHALLENGES CONTAINED (Page 139 - 156)
DOWNLOAD ALL OF ISSUE (Total 88 Pages) RESEARCH OF THE SATISFACTION LEVELS OF YOUNG NATIONAL ATHLETES (Page 1 - 7) Health Problems Accompanıed by Motionless Lifestyle (Page 8 - 15) Input-Output Analysis on Agriculture Sector in Turkey: WIOD (2000 -2014) (Page 16 - 22) Evaluation of Smoking Prevalence of High School's Student in Turkey (Page 23 - 31) Investigation of The Attitudes of Secondary School Students About Physical Education (Page 32 - 42) Evaluatıon of The Sıtuatıon of Young Indıvıduals Partıcıpatıon in Sportıve Recreatıve Events in Turkey (Page 43 - 51) Investıgatıon Of The Relatıonshıp Between Stress Dealıng Methods Of Physıcal Educatıon And Sport School Students And Lıfe Satısfactıon Levels (Page 52 - 60) Investigation Of The Trait Anger And Anger Style Of The Athletes In University Sport Teams According To The Sport Branch Variable (Page 61 - 67) Investıgatıon Of Learnıng Resourcefulness Levels Of Physıcal Educatıon And Sport School Students Accordıng To Some Varıables (Page 68 - 75) Evaluation of Psychological Benefits of Participation in Recreative Activities (Page 76 - 83) Investigation of Leisure Barriers of Students of The Faculty of Health Sciences (Page 84 - 88)
DOWNLOAD ALL OF ISSUE (Total 111 Pages) "UEFA-TFF Coaching Convention" Investigation in Terms of Variations of Some Football Coach Trainer Education Area Wıthin The Framework of The Job Satisfaction (Page 1 - 16) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-EFFICACY PERCEPTION OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND THEIR COMMUNACATION SKILLS (Page 17 - 25) THE EFFECTS OF AEROBIC FATIGUE ON DYNAMIC BALANCE ABILITY IN SOCCER PLAYERS (Page 26 - 34) AN EXAMİNATİON OF THE PROBLEM SOLVİNG SKİLLS OF UNİVERSİTY STUDENTS ACCORDİNG TO SEVERAL VARİABLES THAT ARE RELATED TO SPORTS (Page 35 - 46) THIRD ZONE ATTACKING ORGANIZATION ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN FOOTBALL LEAGUES (Page 47 - 58) Organızed Physıcal Educatıon And Sport Teachers Investıgatıon Of Socıalızatıon Levels (Page 59 - 74) Examining life satisfaction, organizational commitment and job satisfaction levels of the employed individuals with physical disabilities (Page 75 - 86) TRADITIONAL MOTIVES IN TURKISH FILM MUSICS - THE CASE OF CAHİT BERKAY - (Page 87 - 103) Examination of Attidues of Middle School Students Towards Physical Education Lesson Accordıng To Gender And Class Variables (Burdur Example) (Page 104 - 111)