Ethical principles in preparing scientific research and publishing it should be known by the authors and scientific articles should be prepared by taking all these ethical principles into consideration. Articles prepared without following scientific ethical principles are declined without being even evaluated.For example;if the topic is something like plagiarism in a scientific article sent to the journal and this is recognized by the referees and editors,the aricle is declined and it is not assessed.Otherwise,all the responsibilities which can arise later on belong to the author/authors.

If there is not ethics committee approval in the scientific articles prepared about specific  topics and human and animal experiments(for example; research of the fear of death among old people),that article is not published on the journal. Ethics committe approval for the studies needing it should be accepted before starting to work.

Special studies printed as a summary  in the proceedings book and presented as a verbal or poster in any congress before and postgraduate thesis studies can be sent to the journal press on the condition that it is fit for the publication format. Additionally, it should be written down at the bottom of the first page as a foot note where these studies in point were published beforehand or how they came into existence.




The operation of sending article to the journal is realized in the way that it is uploaded to the system appropriately after being a member of the journal. The scientific article sent to the journal is firstly checked by the editör.When there is nothing at odds with the spelling rules and publication rules,the editör starts the process at once.If there is anything at odds with the spelling rules and publication rules,the editör sends back the article to the author/authors for the necessary amendments and after all the amendments ara made,the process is started by the editör.If the editor finds it necessary tomake it evaluate by at least two referess,s/he can do it also.If the academic research is declined by the referee at the article assessment process,study in point is sent to another third referee.If the third referee again declines it,the study in point ends up being declined on not being published on the journal .


As a result of the referee assessment about the studies sent to thejournal, some amendments from the authors of the article can be needed.Some extra time is given to them for all these amendments to be made.This extra time is determined by the editör and this extra time can be short or long by taking the slew rate of the article into another journal issue.Furthermore,two amendment rights about their articles are given to the authors.After two amendment rights,the article is declined when there is not a complete amendment.


If the author/authors are not informed about their articles in two months after an article enters into the assessment process, its main reason is that the referees to whom the articles were sent did not express their opinions about the article.If the necessary assessments of the articles are not made in two months,the article can be sent to different referees at the same fields.


Referee assessment reports can be shared among only the responsible author of the article. Referess cant see the authors’ names,position and the organization where s/he works in the process of assessment.That’s why,authors have no right to choose a referee,propose a referee or offer a referee name on the assessment of their articles.


The articles admitted for the publication are sent to string editör so that page layouts are made and the articles are converted into the publication format of the journal by the string editör.


The aricles sent to the journal should certainly be about any subject of the journal’publicaton areas. However, an article out of the journal’s publication areas can be subjected to the asessment process with the approval of the editor and some enterprises can be embarked on its publication.




The responsibilities of all the articles published on the journal belong to the author/authors. Editor and referee studies are examined in terms of scientific content and journal rules.Nonetheless,if a copyright infringement in the article is determined by the editors and authors,the author/authors are informed about it . Necessary amendments are needed.If this is not recognized by the editors and referees and the article is published on the journal,the responsibility belongs to the author/authors.


Copyright of the articles and the other scientific studies belongs to journal.The administration of the journal doesn’t take copyright subrogation form from the authors.The authors are deemed to have transferred the copyright of the scientific studies in advance.Furthermore,we request the author/authors to send any scientific study to the journal that they should take this into consideration.


The author/authors, owners of the article, can attribute to their articles having been published on the journal in their other articles but these attributions should be indicated in the text itself and references of the new publications.Otherwise,the copyright of our journal ends up having been vioalted and all the responsibility belongs to the author/authors.


Another name of the author can’t be added to the article published on the article. Similarly, omission of a name,displacement of the author names in an article can’t be out of the question later on.


The author/authors of the studies deserving to publish their studies on the journal may want to withdraw their articles from the journal. In this case,it is necessary for the author/authors to fil lup the form of withdrawing the article completely and send it to the journal editorship via the mail or send it to the Management of Editorial Office via the mail.However,from the moment that a study accepted to the publication is published in the system online,there can’t be any desire to withdraw the study from the journal.


Our journal has e-journal system, it has not a press system so the journal doesn’t have to send the published studies to the authors by publishing it. Furthermore, our journal did not have ISSN number necessary for the published journals and only had online ISSN number,it is legally impossible to give the articles to the authors in a published way.




1)The articles to be sent to the journal can only be in the format of doc or docx.File formats except for these formats can’t be loaded to the journal


2)The articles to be sent to the journal should have a top margin of 4 cm, a bottom margin of 4 cm, a right margin of 4 cm and a left margin of 4 cm, single column, Times New Roman 12 font size,justified on both sides,single spaced text.In the summary,type size should be font size 10.Table texts should be typed with the font size 8-12.


3)All the subtitles in the research should be left-aligned while picts, shapes and table headings should be center-aligned.All the headings in the text should be in boldface.First paragraph after the section headings should be single-spacaragraph.ed .There should not be any line blanking between  subheadings and the pragraph as well as between the table/pict/shape/graphics and the headings.


4) If a phrase with two or more words frequently appears in the text, itsabbreviation should be written in the parantheses within the text where it is first used and then only abbreviation should be written within the text.For example; Physical Activity (PA) and later on ‘’PA’’within the text,Social Competence (SC) and later on ‘’SC’’within the text.However,if there is a standard abbreviation of the phrase in the literature,it should be used.


5) If there are picts, shapes, graphics and tables withint the text,they should be within the sizes fitted to the page.


6) Headings of the pict, shape and graphics should be under the pict,shape and graphics whereas headings of the table should be under the table.


7) Decimal places in the table shouldn’t be more than 2.Meaning/Meanings of the symbols specially used in the tables should be typed with Times New Roman, font size 9 just under the table.


8) There is no content layout fort he tables but there should only be overline,first line and underline.


9) In the social science studies, except for studies in medicine ,JEL code must be used.Jel codes should only be written under one line of the key words in English Abstract.Studies without JEL code can not be published on the journal.


10) Maximum page length of the articles should be 20 including all the sections. However; page number may vary according to the content of the topic and the approval of the editor.




1) The Title

Turkish title comes first and after that, it comes English title after leaving a line blank.If there is a special thing to mention about the title,it should be shown on the last letter of the title and the content of the symbol should be stated at the bottom of the page as a footer.Maximum word number in the title can be 12.The title should be relevant to the content of the article and there should not be a title like ‘’ a research of the students’academic success’’.


2) The author

The authors’names should be typed in the form of ‘’Name-Surname’’,Times New Roman, font size 12,bold and italic and bold.After a line blank,adresses of the authors should be typed as normal,bold , Times New Roman and font size 10. Digits and addresses should be codified into the last letter of the authors’surnames and the address section should include the digits’content.Furthermore,* symbol along with the digit should be put into the last letter of the responsible author’s surname.The author’s mail should be right under the adresse section.Institutional e mail account is provided to people working in the university or any governmental institution.When the person retires from Office,the account is turned off by the institution. That may lead to communication breakdown between the person and the institution. Therefore,it is suggested that people should use ‘ hotmail,outlook,yahoo,gmail,etc’ rather than corporate e-mail.


3) Turkish Abstract

The abstract contains brief statements of the purpose, methods, results, findings and conclusions of a study. The maximum word number in abstract can be 150.Key words should be in the next line just right after the abtract .Key words can be minimum 3 and maximum 5.It should be kept in mind that key words have a crucious role on Access to the publication.Key words should be directly relevant to the content of the study.


4) English Abstract

It should be word-for-word translation of the Turkish abstract. English abstract doesn’t have to be at the same word number in Turkish abstract but maximum word number in this abstract should be 150,too.Key words in Turkish abstract being in the line just after the English summary should be in English .


5) Introduction

You will find background information about the title of article, its emthod and its findings.While giving this information,authors should certainly attribute to other studies of old but the introduction should not just contain the attributions.The author/authors should absolutely include their unique sentences.At the last paragraph of the introduction,the author/authors ought to describe why the study was done, what the purpose of the study was,etc.The purpose sentence should not include the sentences completely identical to the title of the study.For example;the purpose sentence of an article titled’’ comparison of the socialization level of the children who do sport and don’t do’’ should not include a phrase ‘ this research aims to study the socialization level of the children who do sport and don’t do sport.In the collection,subject headings about the article are written in order after the introduction part.Subject headings are not given number or digit.


6) Material and Method

Included in this section are the model of the study, methods fit for the purpose of the study,features of the research staff,the specific techniques and mesaure instruments,one by one in detail.Let’s say that a survey is used in the text.The authors should include the information about the person developing the survey,revising it and adapted its language to another language within both the text and the reference.For example;a weight was used. The authors should indicate its brand, model and the features of the weight. They should clarify the way the availabla data was analyzed.If there had been an analysis program,complete name of  the program and its version should be clearly indicated in this section.Here,the purpose is both to increase the reliability of the study and provide facilities with the people to do similar studies in the future.Material and Method Section should include the subheadings ‘’the model of the research,population and sample,data collection tools and methods,statistical analysis’’.On the request of the editor and referee/referees,the author/authors should send back their data files.If the studies on people or animals need ethics committe approval,data collection subheading section should indicate the information of the ethics committee approval.Furthermore,the approval form should be added to the end of the text after being scanned.


7) Findings

Included in this section are the results of the analysis appropriate for the obtained data.Results of the obtained data can be given in the form of graphics,shape,picture,table.These should not be complicated and should be easily comprehensible when it was examined by someone not any interested in scientific studies.Comments about graphics,shapes,pictures and tables should be typed just under the table without leaving any blank.


8) Discussion and Results

Included in the first paragraph of this section are the purposes of the study and brief statements of the important findings. Beginning from the second paragraph,the findings of the study should be discussed with the relevant literature.As far as possible,there should be attributions to the studies from past to now.Authors should not just adhere to the recent pas tor very old times.In both similarity and difference between the findings of the study and the literature,reasons should be explained by the author/authors.Sources can be used in order to explain these reasons but it would be better for the author/authors to explain the reason with their own sentences.


After the discussion of the study findings and the literature, the important findings and the proposals based on these results should be given within maximum one paragraph.Proposals should be included in the conclusion paragraph,they should not succeed the conclusion paragraph in the form of clause-by-clause.


9) Support ( if available )

If the study had been supported by an institution and organization, it should certainly be indicated in this section.If it had been within the extent of a project,the institution supporting the project,preject number and the project year should be mentioned here.


10) Acknowledgement ( if available)

Included in this section is the thank you note about the person/people contributing to the study and the institutions/organizations. Thank-you note should be brief,clear and concise. Diffusiveness should be avoided here.


11) Bibliography

Methods in Apa 6th Edition are used in in-text referencing.

In-text Citation;

One author ( Türk,2010)

Two authors( Türk & Öztürk,2010)

Three authors ( Türk, Öztürk& Polat,2010)

More than three authors((Türk ve ark, 2010)) are shown in this way.


12) Forming Bibliography

In forming bibliography, methods indicated in APA ( American Pyschological Association) 6th edition are used. References should be alphabetised in name order.


Giving reference in periodicals

Journal article with one author

Author, A. (2002) First word of the complete sentence is capitalized.Each word of the journal name is capitalized,article name is the same,2,245-275


Journal article with two authors

Author,A.,& Author,B.Article name is the same. First word of the complete sentence is capitalized. Each word of the journal name is capitalized,3(2),11-22


Journal article with 3-6 authors

Author, A., Author, B. A., Author, C., & Author, D. (2012). Article name is the same. First word of the complete sentence is capitalized. Each word of the journal name is capitalized


Journal article with Doi

Author, A., & Author, B. (2009). . First word of the complete sentence is capitalized. Each word of the journal name is capitalized. 3(2), 11-22. doi:10.1017/0118-61443.27.2.7245


Journal article with more than 6 authors               

Author, A., Author, B. A., Author, C., Authorr, D., Author, E., Author, F., and fri.. (2012)., First word of the complete sentence is capitalized.Each word of the journal name is capitalized.7(3), 13-29.


Referencing Books

Author, A., & Author, B. (2011). Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized in writing the book’s name. Hekim, H., & Yüksel, Y. (Ed.).  (ss. 102-195). Ankara: Name of the publishing house.


Referencing Postgraduate Thesis

Author, A.(2012) Title of the thesis is italicized and the first letter of the first word is capitalized.Unpublished doctoral thesis,University Name and Institution Name,Ankara.


Referencing Congress and Symposıum Declarations

Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (2012, JuneTitle of the word is italicized and the first letter  of the first word is capitalized only.Congress Name,Universıty Name, Ankara.


Referencing internet sources date accessed : 20.08.2013


13) Expanded English Abstract

Given that our journal is an academic one with international referee, there should certainly be English abstrract part in Turkish articles sent to the journal.After giving literature information with maximum 300 words in expanded English abstract,there also should be expressions including the assessments ,obtained findings,main objectives of the studyand methods in the research process here.It should be written after the bibliography.Expanded english abstracts should be typed in font size12,TimesNew Roman and itshould be at maximum 750-800 word length.


14) Appendix (if available)

If the research needs ethics committee approval, the approval taken during the research process should be at the final of the article.If there is a scale used,its state in the research should be added to the final of the article.If there is a visually specific method of measurement used in the data collection process,visual materials about the methods of measurement should be added to the final of it,too.